In a world full of choices...
help your dream client pick YOU.

Being different makes it easy for the right client to say YES PLEASE!

Your brand differentiators make your offers one-of-a-kind!

You and your team may be excellent at what you do, but if your prospects think your business is interchangeable with your peers and competitors, then they don't have a good compelling reason to choose you.

Left without any brand differentiators, they may make decisions based on convenience or even price.

In order to compete on value, you've got to show how your business and your brand is different. Sometimes it's obvious... other times, not so much.

Many of my copywriting clients have stumbled when I asked them to name 2-3 ways that they are different from others that offer similar services.

So I've compiled 8 thought provoking questions that can help you uncover the key brand differentiators that you've had all along!

Use this to brainstorm and identify all the ways that YOUR BRAND is the best fit for your dream client.

Then use it in your copy to make it a no-brainer for the right client to say YES PLEASE!

Find and use your key differentiators to attract and serve more clients.

It's not always easy to spot your brand's key differentiators - use this worksheet to brainstorm and spark ideas.

    This key differentiators worksheet has been created by Christine McShane Creative, a division of Christine McShane Photography LLC. You will be added to the email list of Christine McShane Creative, where you will receive copywriting and content marketing tips. We respect your privacy. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.